An electric bike pool at the workplace encourages more people to cycle privately
Med Bikely har de to dele-elsyklene ved Teknobyen fått nye hjem. Med app og sykkelskap er elsyklene tilgjengelig døgnet rundt for de rundt 2500 leietakerne. Nå ligger alt til rette for sykkelglede og mindre bilbruk – med minimalt av administrasjon for KLP.

New home for Abel and Vilje
Abel and Vilje are the names of the two shared electric bicycles at Teknobyen - which is centrally located at Elgeseter in Trondheim. The idea is that the electric bicycles can replace unnecessary car use to and from meetings during working hours and that more of the tenants choose buses or active means of travel to work.
- As a landlord, we can offer free shared bicycles to the tenants. This is an exciting concept and we have received good feedback from those who have used the bikes. More people who have never used an electric bike before - have bought an electric bike after trying it with us, says Marketing Coordinator at KLP Eiendom Trondheim Steffen Ødegård.
The share electric bikes were launched at Teknobyen just before the pandemic hit. At the start, it was the receptionist who handled the delivery and delivery of the e-bikes. Booking was made in a calendar on the company's website. This worked reasonably well until KLP became aware of Bikely's solution. The system from Bikely means far less administration of the e-bike pool - and therefore frees up a lot of time for the receptionist. For the tenants, it is far easier to rent an electric bike because they do not have to deal with opening hours or wait for the receptionist to have free time.
- When the pandemic is under control, with Bikely it will be easier for us to invest in cycling. The bike boxes are small bicycle bubbles that can be furnished with equipment and a bag, says Steffen.
An extra bonus for the tenants
As soon as the tenants have received an invitation to the app, they can easily book one of the shared e-bikes. Bikely makes it easier for people to use the bikes, as well as plan and return the bike after use. The boxes are equipped for charging batteries. In addition, KLP gets access to a dashboard. Here they can easily manage who gets access and get a full overview of the use.
- The exclusive access to the electric bike pool is an added bonus for our tenants, says Steffen happily.
During the pandemic there have been fewer trips to Technobyen, fewer in the area and fewer users of the electric bicycles. Everything is turned down and some drive to work to avoid being exposed to large crowds. Steffen is looking forward to the autumn and believes that this will give a boost to the sharing scheme.
- The dream scenario is that the bikes are used so much that we get more. It would have been really cool to reserve more lockers!
As soon as the tenants find the pleasure of being sick, it is easy for Steffen to monitor usage and obtain information about the most popular times. The dream scenario could be just around the corner!
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